VOICE 2019 Features Comprehensive Technical Program and Exciting Keynoters

Singapore event to feature keynote by Mark Stuart, Co-Founder of Anagram Group; Wally Rhines and Hugh Herr to keynote in Scottsdale
For the first time, the Advantest VOICE Developer Conference will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, on May 14-15, 2019, and in Singapore on May 23. Online registration is available for both venues.
VOICE 2019 will feature the latest and hottest topics in semiconductor testing, including RF, 5G, 4G, WiFi, MIMO, mmWave and a new technical track dedicated to Advantest’s T2000 platform. The heart of the conference continues to be its comprehensive learning and networking opportunities comprised of a technical program featuring more than 90 presentations; Partners’ Expo; social gatherings; Technology Kiosk Showcase; and innovative keynote speakers.
On May 15 in Scottsdale, the VOICE program will feature two keynote speeches by dynamic leaders. The first speaker, Dr. Wally Rhines, CEO emeritus of Mentor, a Siemens business, is a recognized spokesperson for the semiconductor and EDA industries. The second keynote, sponsored by EAG Eurofins Engineering Science, will be given by Dr. Hugh Herr, renowned engineer, biophysicist and leader of MIT Media Lab’s Biomechatronics Group. Dr. Herr is building the next generation of robotic prosthetics, sophisticated devices that aid human movement by mimicking nature.
For VOICE Singapore, the featured keynote speech will be delivered by Mark Stuart, Co-Founder of Anagram Group, an award-winning global corporate training company based in Singapore working to transform organizations through innovation. Stuart works with more than 170 government and corporate clients in Singapore, Asia and the UK in a wide range of industries.
Register for VOICE 2019 today! Group discounts are available to attend VOICE 2019; email mktgcomms@advantest.com for details. Those interested in attending the Singapore event should email mktgcomms@advantest.com for registration information.
Registered Scottsdale attendees are encouraged to make their hotel reservations at the Boulders Resort & Spa before the discount ends on April 10. Those interested in hotel reservations at the Shangri-La Singapore should email mktgcomms@advantest.com for more information.
VOICE 2019 Quick Links
Technical Program
Hotel Reservations
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Questions: mktgcomms@advantest.com